® raises 1.5M to disrupt the administrative burden in long term care.

Press Release
For immediate release
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May 24th , 2018 - Gent, Belgium® (by Pridiktiv NV), a Belgium-based mobile healthcare collaboration platform focusing on increased workflow efficiency in care settings, announces that it has secured + €1.5M in funding. The recent round was led by KBC Start it Fund and LRM. Together, they invested € 800.000, the other funds are derived from Founders, Industry Experts and Grants. ​
On the one hand, the funding will allow to improve its data-driven model by applying AI for the benefit of both the organization and the patient/resident. On the other hand, it will allow them to further explore international opportunities.

Jeroen De Backer, CEO and Founder of, comments: ​
“Long term care - like elderly care - is one of the fastest moving markets today worldwide. And we all want the best care for our loved ones. Hélas most actual software solutions are outdated and are no longer adapted to the increasingly demanding healthcare needs and challenges the market is facing today. Instead of supporting caretakers, they require time consuming manual and error prone input. On top, most software in use has not been designed to scale and flex to a faster changing demand in personalised care nor communicate with other systems like a personal alarm, housekeeping or food and beverage services. Most healthcare teams today struggle with increasingly tight schedules, a lack of accurate patient data and ever-growing piles of administration, both on the work floor and in the boardroom. Clearly, there was an urgent need for flexibility and integration possibilities with other care and data providers.” says Jeroen De Backer - CEO and Founder of the project. “We decided to tackle this and launch a solution that was able to stop the squander of valuable caretaker time.”

“For two years, we’ve been co-creating with professional caretakers, organizations and industry experts”, Co-founder ​Thomas Van der Auwermeulen, goes on. “This led to today’s flexible, mobile healthcare collaboration suite that connects to all client silo’s and results in more time for the patient, actionable data and cost reduction for the overall organization. Furthermore, we’re looking forward to join the Limburg based BioVille community as a center of innovation in healthcare.”

“Our extremely user-friendly mobile solution brings actual patient data to the work floor, dramatically reduces time to train new people and pushes back time spend on paperwork by up to 60%. All in benefit to what matters most to caretakers: taking care!”, Jeroen De Backer states.

In the meantime,® proved to be just what the sector was looking for. “Our data-driven thinking is warmly welcomed by the board room, our ease of use highly appreciated by care people on the work floor. Our GDPR-compliance is the cherry on the cake for IT directors.”, Bram Vandewalle and Sam Verschueren - co-founders - ​ conclude. “Seen the interest at stake,® takes a well defined position in a global market were the kick off is given for a huge consolidation”.

Contact® by Pridiktiv NV
+32 475 75 95 75

About®® (by Pridiktiv NV) was founded early 2015 by Jeroen De Backer. Going forward, co-founders Sam Verschueren, Bram Vandewalle and Thomas Van der Auwermeulen joined. As from the start, it was incubated in the Start it @kbc accelerator. Due to the support of several organizations like The Caring Entrepreneurship Fund, BlueHealth Innovation Center, EIT Health, Seas2Grow, Agentschap Innoveren, Flanders Investment and Trade, Horizon 2020, the team could start testing its mobile-first solution. Caretakers now got more time and their management realised that ® not only resulted in highly personalised care, but also in severe cost reduction based on automatically generated reports. As from that moment, the next challenge became to make use of the available data for predictive analysis, applying AI.
For more information and contact details, visit

About KBC Start it Fund
The KBC Start it Fund was created to provide seed capital to selected companies from Start it @kbc. Following this incubation phase, some proven business models will need a first round of funding to further develop. The so-called equity-gap often leaves start-ups in a pickle. The additional funds needed surpass the investment capabilities of the FFFs (Friends, Family and Fools) and angel investors who sponsored the team this far, while professional venture capital firms will not always be too eager to perform a full investment analysis for limited investment amounts. With this Venture Capital fund, KBC wants to help bridge the financial transition from the first building blocks to a worldwide established icon.
For more information and contact details, visit

About LRM
LRM is an investment company that develops and stimulates economic growth in Limburg. We provide a solid foundation, allowing companies and projects, which create jobs in Limburg, to grow. Our financial means and economic expertise, together with Limburg’s key assets, create a unique breeding ground.
For more information and contact details, visit

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About® (by Pridiktiv NV) is a Belgium-based digital healthcare solutions company focused on improving your workflow. Our digital products helps team members to collaborate and regain control over daily healthcare routines. It reduces the stacks of paper and speeds up administrative processes. Our smart and intuitive mobile platform is best in class and makes sure professionals can focus on qualitative patient care. 
Today, has activities in Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain and Portugal.

For more information, visit


Oktrooiplein 1, 9000 Gent Belgium

+32 9 298 02 40